Andy Davis, KJ7JDN, will be leading a Damage Assessment Team training on Saturday May 14th, 2022, from 10am to noon at Norkenzie Christian Church, 2530 Crescent Avenue in Eugene. The training is for CERTs and all Damage Assessment Teams that are formed or are forming. If you have not started a team but have some neighbors that may be interested, invite them to this training. We that live in the northeast district of Eugene need to step up and start building teams, do some training and start using our CERT training.
For more information, please use the Contact form.
Eugene Ready! A Disaster Preparedness Training Day, is coming Sunday, May 22 to Alton Baker ParkThis anticipated “pop-up” academy for Eugene residents was postponed last summer out of an abundance of viral caution and it has moved from Amazon Park to Alton Baker with more space and parking.
“The Eugene Neighborhood Leaders Council in partnership with PathFinderEX are providing no cost disaster preparedness training for Eugene Neighborhood Association Members. Lunch provided and event limited to first 100 registered.”
“PathFinderEX is a non-profit committed to providing training and education in disaster preparedness and response skills through both in-person and online venues for the instruction of students, citizens, government representatives, first responders, healthcare professionals and volunteers, and those who are members of organizations, civilian and government agencies, community businesses, and other qualifying partners.”We provide communal spaces for collaboration of effort toward community equity with a focus on instruction and planning services for organizations to help plan, prepare, respond, and mitigate the consequences of natural and manmade disasters, and offer annual academies of disaster preparedness and response learning for inter-agency partners within the national response framework.”
PathFinderEX also hosts annual events such as disaster preparedness pop-up academies that provide training and a full-scale multi-agency exercise. These events are (normally) tuition-based and are great for individuals, organizations, or multi-agency groups.
This is a link to an interview on the Eugene Community Newswire website. Thia Bell, KJ7CNH says “Lots of new info may be of interest in this interview of Lane Co COAD “powerhouse” new management team members, including Andy, Patence and Carrie Karl of Eugene EMergMgt.”
From the website: “For 2022, as last year, we will be streaming the Comm Academy presentations onour YouTube channel. Please join our community by logging in to your own YouTube account so that you can participate in the chat and ask questions of our presenters.
There is no advance registration required this year. The link to the YouTube stream will be highlighted on this page on the 9th, or you can simply navigate directly to our channel. “