Matt Dillon, W7ARD recommended that in future events involving relaying ICS-213 information to the Eugene EOC, that we reduce the “TO” address to just that brief string, “Eugene EOC”, without further address identification. He suggested that this will save a great deal of time when these forms are transmitted to the EOC.

Use only the phrase "Eugene EOC" in the "To" field of the ICS-213
Sample message

[from Andy Davis, KJ7JDN, August 13, 2022] Next Saturday August 20th between the hours of 10am and noon, we will hold a readiness exercise to see how quickly we can establish communications within our districts from the net control all the way down to the neighborhood “radio team leader”.

In this two-hour window, the EOC, played by W7ARD, will initiate a call on freq. 146.880 to all district net controls at a time of his choosing. We know that Damage Assessment Teams and their radio team leaders and the Eugene EmComm Net are “self-activating” units during disaster events, so hopefully beginning at 10am, districts have started to make comm connections with their district communication teams. When the call comes from the EOC, W7ARD, that is when the stop watch starts and each district will make contact with their link going down to the neighborhood radio team leaders. Once the last neighborhood radio team leader has been contacted, the stop watch is stopped and that time is relayed to the EOC, W7ARD for your district. The district with the fastest time gets a free all expenses paid trip to Hawaii for 4 days and 5 nights, meals included. If you believe that I have some well water land for sale on the west coast of Florida.

We will have an exercise debrief using zoom at 1300, 1pm for those that don’t know military time. For access to the Zoom link, please use the Contact Form.