Following up on the suggestion of a uniform numbering scheme by Gerry, KK7GAB during our debrief on September 24, 2022, here is a suggested list of abbreviations we might use on our ICS-213 forms as neighborhood hams. For example, in Northwest Santa Clara, the forms would be numbered NW-SC-001.

Northwest (NW)
Active Bethel CitizensNW-ABCNW-AB
Industrial Corridor Community OrganizationNW-ICCONW-IC
River Road Community OrganizationNW-RRCONW-RR
Santa Clara Community OrganizationNW-SCCONW-SC
Trainsong NeighborsNW-TNNW-TN
Northeast (NE)
Cal Young Neighborhood AssociationNE-CYNANE-CY
Goodpasture Island NeighborsNE-GINNE-GI
Harlow NeighborsNE-HNNE-HN
Northeast NeighborsNE-NNNE-NN
Southwest (SW)
Churchill Area NeighborsSW-CANSW-CA
Far West Neighborhood AssociationSW-FWNASW-FW
West Eugene Community OrganizationSW-WECOSW-WE
Southeast 1 (SE1)
Southeast NeighborsSE1-SNSE1-SN
Southwest Hills Neighborhood AssociationSE1-SHNASE1-SH
Southeast 2 (SE2)
Downtown Neighborhood AssociationSE2-DNASE2-DN
Friendly Area NeighborsSE2-FANSE2-FA
Jefferson Westside NeighborsSE2-JWNSE2-JW
West University NeighborsSE2-WUNSE2-WU
Whiteaker Community CouncilSE2-WCCSE2-WC
Southeast 3 (SE3)
Amazon Neighbors AssociationSE3-ANASE3-AN
Fairmount NeighborsSE3-FNSE3-FN
Laurel Hill Valley CitizensSE3-LHVCSE3-LH
South University Neighborhood AssociationSE3-SUNASE3-SU

City of Eugene neighborhood Damage Assessment Teams and Radio Team Leaders will
participate in the city-wide emergency radio communications drill on September 24, 2022. This
drill is intended to allow participants to practice neighborhood damage assessment and
emergency radio communications in an exercise setting and to evaluate expectations on the
use of handheld FRS/GMRS two-way radios, VHF/UHF HAM radio systems and ICS forms in a

Download the Exercise Plan PDF.

On Tuesday, September 20 from 6:30-8:00 pm Andy Davis will be giving a public introduction to forming Damage Assessment Teams, inside the Washington Park Community Center, 2125 Washington St. The presentation is hosted by Ready Friendly. FAN MYN members, ROs and all interested parties are welcome. The site is ADA accessible. If more info is needed, contact