In the heat of a real emergency, there is some basic information we each need that may not come immediately to mind. The EmComm wallet card is a place where you can note and keep some of this information handy for use in an emergency (or a drill, for that matter). Use of this card is not required; it is offered here as a tool for you to use as you see fit. In my case, I am a neighborhood Ham who receives information from neighborhood teams and relays it to the Neighborhood Net Control.
Here is an example of a card filled out with my information in NE Eugene.

Most of the information should be self-explanatory, but briefly:
- Your name and FCC callsign
- Your tactical callsign in the emergency or exercise, assigned by your region
- Incoming comms are the frequencies or channels you will monitor for incoming traffic. On my card I have listed both the main and alternative FRS channel for my neighborhood
- Outgoing comms are the frequencies or channels you will use for outgoing traffic
- Your ICS ID Prefix is the assigned prefix to use to number your message forms
- Report to is the next level up in your region’s communications chain
- Documentation lists the forms you will use to document your work
I have printed out a number of these cards on card stock to share in my neighborhood. I have created a PDF which will print 10 copies. I would encourage you to print and share these with your neighborhood teams.