Sunday, October 8 – Friendly Area Neighbors’ regular Radio Ready Second Sunday exercise starts at 6 pm for FRS/GMRS operators, and at 6:30 pm for ham operators and guests on 145.450, Tone of 123, with thanks to W7ARD.
Month: September 2023
Saturday, September 9, 2023 was our city-wide “Dry Run” exercise; a chance to test ourselves and our tools in preparation for our official October exercise. Photographer Deb Jones of Friendly Area Neighbors caught some of the FAN volunteers in action.
On Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 7:00 PM, there will be a Zoom training and prep session for our city-wide exercise that will be held the following Saturday, October 21. The training session will cover the flow of information, the use of ICS forms and ID numbers and general information about the exercise. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.
The session will be held in place of our regularly scheduled on-air net. There will be a brief announcement about the training on 146.88 MHz (PL 100) at the regular net starting time of 7:00 PM.
The Zoom session will be held on our EmComm Zoom link. For more information or for the link, please use the Contact form.
Here is an overview of the exercise instructions for the Saturday September 9, exercise. You will note that the exercise has the October dates, but the details will be the same. We will be using the ICS-213 form, and the ICS-309 form. A listing of the message identifiers is also available.