On Wednesday, November 6, we will meet briefly on-air for our regularly-scheduled check in on the VHF repeater, and then switch over to Zoom. A link for the session will be on the front page of the website that day, or you can request the link in advance here.

The presentation, “Winlink for the Absolute Newbie”, will be hosted by Gerry Brown, KK7GAB, and is an introduction to Winlink. The duration of the presentation will be about 30 minutes, with 15 minutes planned for questions.

The presentation will cover:

  • What is Winlink?
  • How does it work?
  • What equipment do I need?

We hope to see you there!

Jerrys Safety Day 20240928-3 edit rotation

Gerry Brown (KK7GAB) and Matt Albertson (KJ7CNL) take part in Jerry’s Safety Day, September 28, 2024.


Andy Davis, KJ7JDN, serving as
Net Control for September 2024 Exercise.


WinLink receiving station
during September exercise.

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Jerrys Safety Day 20240928-3 edit rotation
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