FRS Radio Test Summary

On Saturday, April 10, 2021, we met at the back lot of Norkenzie Christian Church to check out our FRS radios and do some testing. We had a number of brands represented, including Midland, DeWalt, and Baofeng. After some experimenting, we determined that most of the radios were able to successfully send and receive on the two channels tested, 1 and 3. An important note: we determined that the radios must be set to NOT use CTCSS or DCS tones. While that eliminates privacy of communication, it allows us to monitor all activity on those channels.

Meeting April 10, 2021

Greetings, NE Eugene HAMS!

We will be holding our monthly second-Saturday meeting in person this coming Saturday, April 10, 2021. Here are the main points:

  • DATE: Saturday, April 10, 2021
  • TIME: 10:00 AM
  • LOCATION: Norkenzie Christian Church, 2530 Crescent Ave, Eugene, OR 97408. Back parking lot.
  • PURPOSE: To test and educate ourselves about FRS radios, and how to make yours (or someone else’s) function properly in emergency situations.
  • BRING: Your mask and/or face shield; your FRS radio(s) and manuals or other documentation; a lawn chair or stool if you would like to sit; your coffee or beverage of choice.

We will be practicing social distancing. Depending on the number of attendees and the equipment we bring, we may break out into small groups based on brand or type of radios. 

Please mark your calendar, and we’ll see you Saturday!