We are in need of volunteers for two events coming up in August, 2022. If you would like to volunteer for either or both events, please use the Contact Form.
August 13 – Radio Basics Class
We will be offering an introductory class for community members interested in learning more about emergency radio communications. Attendees will be bringing questions, along with FRS, GMRS and Ham radios that they want to learn more about. Andy Davis will be doing the presentation. Volunteers will work with participants helping them understand what their radios are, and how they might fit into EmComm activities. Experience in programming radios is especially welcome! Volunteer.
August 21 – Friendly Area Neighborhood Picnic
FAN’s annual in-person picnic at Washington Park is back!! FAN hasn’t celebrated their neighborhood at Washington Park since 2018. There will be a CERT booth there, and we would love to have a Eugene EmComm booth. Volunteers would be speaking with neighbors about emergency communications in their neighborhood, explaining the role of Eugene EmComm, and encouraging participation in our organization. Volunteer.
Date: Sunday, August 21
Time: 4:30- 7:30 pm
Location: Washington Park, 2025 Washington St.