Dam Safety Risk Presentation & Discussion

Dam Safety Risk and Flood Inundation Mapping

Presentation & Discussion

November 14, 2022
7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting – https://tinyurl.com/DamSafetyMeeting

Ready NW Eugene* and River Road Community Organization (RRCO) are inviting you to join a zoom presentation and discussion with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on Dam Safety Risk and Flood Inundation Mapping in the Eugene/Springfield area.

The purpose of this November 14th presentation is to inform the community, understand how to read the inundation maps, and to start an ongoing dialogue on this important topic. It is expected that this presentation is one of many discussions that we will have in the future on related topics, such as emergency alert systems or plans for rescue and evacuation in the event of a dam breach.

We invite you to attend and participate in the community conversation. You can find more details about the contents of this presentation in our Briefing Paper -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cUO27IJv_cb4I5wLtBbtG30eNdHILss5/edit.

Feel free to send your RSVP or questions to ReadyNWEugene@gmail.com ahead of the presentation.

* Ready NW Eugene is a collaboration of the emergency preparedness teams within the River Road Community Organization, Active Bethel Community, and Santa Clara Community Organizations.

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